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Support shops & eateries...

Supporting shops & eateries through COVID-19

At this very difficult moment in history we at Karmabunny feel relatively lucky. Our staff can work remotely and although we have lost some work, we still have some clients in sectors that continue to need our help.

We have been distressed and horrified to see the impact of this crisis on the working lives of so many people around us. Especially shops and eateries who are facing such extraordinary challenges to stay afloat.

So this is our idea. We have built a website that will allow people to tell us about shops that are still out there trading.

They may be operating under great duress but they are trading.

Maybe they are selling online for the first time or only selling certain items or just doing take away.

Businesses will need to change - find new ways to sell and supply but we hope that if people are made aware of them, they will be able to get enough support to get through this.

So we are not just relying on the shops themselves to fill this directory. They have enough on their todo list right now.

We need you to be our eyes and ears and tell us what you see and hear.

We hope that by building this directory that focuses on the now it will help businesses find customers when they need them most.

I've also started putting together a resources & ideas section for shops and eateries to try and give them some ideas about trading through this time.

Want to get webby with us?

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