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Web rambles from The Warren

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Posted by Josh

There are three parties involved in putting your website online. Firstly I should explain that a given company in many cases will do more than one of these jobs, and in some cases...

Posted by Darren

What is the GDPR? The European Union have always been fairly progressive and indeed quite tough on legislation surrounding how someone’s personal data is collected and used. But hold tight, because they are...

Posted by Jamie

  So you’re confident your business and website doesn’t fall under the scope of GDPR. But have you considered it might be worth taking steps to compliance anyway?   Here are five reasons we believe...

Posted by Darren

Jump to: Block EU visitors from accessing your website. GDPR - What's it all about? You will maybe have started reading or hearing about something called the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). You...

Posted by Luke

Our content management system, SproutCMS 3.0 has now been released as an open source development platform. Read more about the release: Official SproutCMS 3.0 website Download from GIT View development docs Over 15...

Posted by Josh

Google have just announced (in a quite undramatic forum discussion) that they're going to deprecate and eventually remove support for all Symantec issued SSL certificates from the Google Chrome web browser. What does...

Posted by Darren

Many of you may have heard that Google has recently launched a fairly significant change to the algorithm that serves up search results on mobile phones. Indeed, I have received some phone calls...

Posted by Josh

For a long time Karmabunny have been users of open source software; therefore we are proud to give back to the community with our first open source product, Resiz-O-Tron. It's a desktop Windows...

Posted by Darren

Web Tales: web design & development, a small agency perspective podcast This week on Episode 4: The Web Tales crew look back on 2014 and consider what lasting impact it might have on...

Posted by Josh

This is the third in a series of posts explaining how we got web infastructure to handle a years worth of traffic in a single week. In part two we looked into server-side...

Posted by Darren

Web Tales: web design & development, a small agency perspective podcast This week on Episode 3: In this special episode we talk strategically and ethically about the CMS solutions we offer our clients....

Posted by Josh

It happens to everyone - bugs. The best thing is to get them solved quickly, and the key to that is good quality bug reports. It's quite often that a bug report will...

Posted by Darren

Web Tales: web design & development, a small agency perspective podcast This week on episode 2 the Karmabunny crew chat about: The bold design direction Google are going in, the moves Mozilla are...

Posted by Darren

Web Tales: web design & development, a small agency perspective podcast This week on episode 1 the Karmabunny crew chat about: The questionable usability of a popular ecommerce navigation pattern, Josh's favourite new...

Posted by Josh

This is the second in a series of posts explaining how we got web infrastructure to handle a years worth of traffic in a single week. In the first post we looked at...

Posted by Jana

NOTE: while this post has some useful tidbits, it is pretty much out of date now and we will try to update it soon. Alas, website design changes pretty quickly.. So you're a...

Posted by Josh

How do you get website infastructure in place that is able to handle a years worth of traffic in a single week? For about five years now we've been managing a website for...

Posted by Bek

With a lot of hard work and a little fanfare, today we're proud to put live our new Karmabunny website. There's no denying that every website has a lifecycle and we all thought...

Posted by Jamie

Traditionally, a project follows a series of design and documentation phases, each one a complex beast with reams of documentation to be produced and an endless series of sign-off points between one stage...

Posted by Bek

In this digital age, we always look to the future of technology - where's it heading, what's trending, what new and fun devices are we going to get to drool over next. Saying...

Posted by Bek

Following on from 'What's HOT' in part 1, let's now have a quick look at what not to inflict on your web audience in 2014... What's NOT Anything Flash: Ok, well Flash has...

Posted by Bek

For a lot of businesses and organisations, the new year is a great time to hit the ground running with fresh perspectives and motivations for improving business. If the word "Website" is at...

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